Sunday, October 27, 2013

I Don't Care!

I know it has been a bit since I posted last. I have been trying to come to terms with my feelings. Okay, that is a glazed over lie. In all honesty I have been drinking wine, cooking, and watching streaming movies. I haven't been thinking about my mister much. I thought that when he returned from his family vacation he would be over here every day, that hasn't been the case.

Last night I went out with his brother again, and honestly, I don't feel bad about it. I invited my mister over and he declined. I am not demanding a relationship here, but an apparent desire to be in my presence would be nice!

One of my mister's good friends kissed me at the bar last night. He was very intoxicated, but I texted my  mister about it (sometimes I am not very sly about brewing up jealousy). Other times, however, I have been!

"You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars."
-Gary Allan

At the beginning of the summer after our first hook-up my mister was giving me the cold shoulder--that is when I sent myself flowers at the office. I made sure they would arrive a day when I was off (so he would have to sign for them), and with no vase (so he would have to look for one). The note was vague but hinted at someone being excited to see me soon. I signed it with initials. This wasn't just my idea, my best friend played a role in the scheming too.

Did you know that online floral companies will NOT release the orderer's name if you don't list it on the card? Awesome!

He glared at the 100 lilies every day until they died...I didn't know if it had really worked...but in hind sight, I guess it must have!

I think that this song summarizes my mood today pretty well!

Icona Pop - I Love It 2012 by elbellavistas